2008年9月29日 星期一

9.30 free writing1

Living in the city, Landon seldome fall asleep eazily. Without any alarm clock, Laodon never be late to work for the noise of traffic and people wakes him up several times a day. Bothered by that, one day he comes up a idea that he posts a tape on both side of his hear to stop the noise thar deprived him of his right to sleep. However, it ends up hurt himself and the noisy still not uncovered. Does it sound terrible? In fact, lots of people is facing serious noise pollution, is there any way to handle this problem? Here are some suggestion in the following paragraphs.

First of all, communication is the most efficient way. If your neighbor are making some unnecessary noise, make a phone call to let them know that you are bothered, but must remember to be polite. Therefore; while handle the question and the relationsheip between you can keep well. Futhermore, if communication is useless, there is a forceful way to solve this problem. According to the regulation of the Enviormental Protection Admistrition Extive-Yunin, R.O.C (Twain) , we can accuse the noise maker while the sound which over 50 decibles mantains over 2 minutes and the violator will be asked NT 1500 to 6000 dollars, the account depend on the situation and the degreen of the noise pollution. Besides, still there is a passive solution that is to use noiseproof equipments which can stop the noise from breaking to indoor, such as noiseproof window, noiseproof door, noiseproof wall, noiseproof curtains, and so on.

Noise pollution might be a problem that we all suffering, to solve this problem we may need to negotiate with other, otherwise; we may need to tack action by ourselves, such as objecting or have some noiseproof equipment. Noise comes form everywhere, it is possible that we all have made some voice incautiously. The basic way to solve it is that we all try to lower our voice all the time and tell others to do so. Therefor, the noise pollution may increase with our awareness someday.

ution will led to food poinous.............etc.
Pollution seems a side-effect that civilization brings to the earth, is it necessary to destory the earth while developing?
Lots of pollution resource cobimed to a complex and dangerous enviroment for us.
In other words, to stop pollution can not be a action made on specific people but a responsbility of all human being.
