2009年4月30日 星期四


I always wanted to see the movie but I just had no time until last week. :)
Anyway, it was as good as my expectation.

I don't want to trifle with the plot I just post the trailer.

Before I saw it, I thought Nixon was a bad bad bad president. However, it turned out that there were some reason that led to his "crime". Being despised, he did his best to be a so-called successful man. To prove himself, he must had to win the president election, so he put all his mind on competeing with other candidates. Finally, he forgot some of his ideal and principles. However, even he was president, he was lonely. He said Frost was an lucky guy in his intergrop everybody loved him. That was the most precious thing in the world.
I was sorry for him that I cried when I saw his confession in the end of the movie.
There are reasons! Everything we do, no matter good or bad, there are reason that motivate us. So it is unfair to judge people merely by thier behavior. :(

2009年4月17日 星期五

Money, Money, Money

There is always a "Desire List" on my mind. :(
Oh...it's time for shopping but I'm running out of my live expense and the midterm is right there. :( I know making money is difficult that I should not squander, but it just too hard to restrain. Oh...but Mom said "Save your money or starve." :(
I know she is right. I know I should manage my own live expense. I know if I starved that's because I deserved it. :( But it seems nothing is ever enough.
These is my Desire List:
1. Shoes.

2. Wallet. My wallet is worn-out that I need a new one. However, wallet is much more expensive than shoes, clothes, food, and so on. I havd longed for it for a long time but I just can't make up my mind to buy one. :(

3.Clothes. Hahah...I think it's nature that I don't have to explain.

4.Going Home. I wanna go home! I have not seen my family for...a long time!

5. I want to skip the midterm! Of course I'm kidding, I know it's impossible. :( But to go home, I have to wait until the exam is over. :( It turns day to year!!

Posting a vedio as usual, I wish you like it. :D

Money, Money, Money

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Aint it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
Thats too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldnt have to work at all, Id fool around and have a ball...

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich mans world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich mans world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
Its a rich mans world

A man like that is hard to find but I cant get him off my mind
Aint it sad
And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldnt fancy me
Thats too bad
So I must leave, Ill have to go
To las vegas or monaco
And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same...

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich mans world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich mans world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
Its a rich mans world

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich mans world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich mans world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
Its a rich mans world

Hahaha~I love it!! It's so dramatic. :D

2009年4月9日 星期四

Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Ohoh...the midterm is a nightmare. :( One of the topic of my speaking text is "what is the significant elements of a meaningful life?" It sounds easy but I just don't know how to answer. Especially we need to talk about it for 8 minute...:( I love speaking class but the test it's too long for me. :( After all, being quiet is my nature. :D There are endless text that I must read and endless test I need to take. There are too much text to study that I must compare them as a mountain. But no! I soon find out the comparison is wrong because there "ain't no mountain hight enugh".
Hahaha...so I just think of the song.
I heard it in a movie but I just don't remember what is it. Guess the song is old but calssical. Anyway, I like it. :)

Ain't no mountain high enough

Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell

Listen, baby
Ain't no mountain high
Ain't no valley low
Ain't no river wide enough, baby

If you need me, call me
No matter where you are
No matter how far

Just call my name
I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry

*'Cause baby,
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you

Remember the day I set you free
I told you that you can always count on me
From the day on I made a vow
I'll be there when you want me
Some way, some how (*)

No win, no rain
My love is alive
Way down in my heart
Although we are miles apart
If ever need a helping hand
I'll be there on the double
As fast as I can

Don't you know that
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep you from getting to you

It takes me some time to find it on YouTube because I like Michael McDonald's edition most. And the song over at 2:48 in this vedio, but the second song is nice, too. :D I need to discuss with my speaking class partner at 7:00 so I must finish the journal right here. :)

2009年4月2日 星期四


I love zoo. :D
I went to to ZOO yesterday. I was really excited about seeing the pandas. They are so cute. I skimed over the website to make sure wheather I could see them or not, because they were so popular that you must had the ticket to see them. Yesterday was not holiday so I got the ticket easily. BUT!! ...they were sleeping when I got there...:( Both of them didn't move at all. Fortunately, because there were only few visiter so I got the chane to see thme twince. The secont time I got there, one of them awaken and another was still sleeping. :( But the waken one did not very energentic. Anyway...I was really disapointed at the pandas.
However, elephants, rhino, and horse are pretty cute. I love it. :D I wish I could have a horse or pony at home someday.