2008年12月22日 星期一

The Women

I saw this movie with my friend and I really liked it. The movie is pretty special for it has no male figure at all. The main character of the movie is Mary whose husband has an affair. It turns out that she starts her career and has great success.

I used to think that love is a serious and important word that can't not be easily spoken. I mean abuseing the word is kind of frivolous. However, I find it is amazing that a little human heart can contain so many differet people and thing. I love my family, my friends, the novel that I bought last month, my new cloth, movies, watching Friends, and so on. My heart has a large capacity while is just as little as my fist. Hahaha...that's really amazing, isn't it?

2008年12月15日 星期一

First Impression

First Impression
The first thing that we pay attention to while meeting someone in the very first time usually is their appearance for we can not see their personalities and inner quality directly. According to Roger Alice, the last American strategy expert for the Republican Party, the first impression usually forms within seven seconds. In other words, we can understand someone in a wink if the first impression is reliable. Is it fair to judge people regardless their past? Does it sound incredible? However, that is exactly what some of us have done. Whether the first impression reliable or not is a question that lots of people are arguing, I prefer not to trust the first impression for a real understanding is achieved after interaction and communication.
The blind spot of first impression have led to lots of misunderstanding and debate. However, there are so many proofs that the first impression is not as reliable and romantic as we think. First, in Pride and Prejudice, both Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy really don’t like each other at the first sight. However; the more time they get along, the better they impress each other. While you may think it is just a novel, actually, the novel is adapted form Jane Austen’s first and only romance in her life time. Similar to Pride and Prejudice, she thought her first lover was a rascal at the first time she saw him, however; it turned out that he was actually a responsible man, who had to take care of his whole family, and they soon fell in love. No matter in or out of the novel, Jane Austen had proved that the first impression is not extremely right. Besides, take myself for example, Robbie Williams, who is my favorite singer right now, was once a horny guy in my opinion. The first time I saw him on television he was taking off his underwear on the stage and I thought it was disgusting. From then on, I would switch to another channel right away as long as I saw him. However, it was until I happened to hear one of his famous songs ‘Angel’ and his excellent performance in his concert that I found he is actually a great entertainer for he can do each kind of performance. Then I realized my first impression on him was totally wrong. Moreover, the topic of lots of romance is love at the first sight. Story started with it is usually romantic, however; this is not common in real life. For instance, one of my relatives fell in love with a guy, who she bumped into on a shop, in the first sight and married him within two months. The marriage ended up with arguments and violence. She is still confused and regretful for not knowing what kind of people he really is. In fact, falling in love at the first sight but ending up divorce is an old story that happens all the time.
In conclusion, the first impression is exactly how we judge an unfamiliar person, and it is a natural response. While it may be unavoidable, just take it as a little comment for our instinct usually is incorrect. According to those examples, it is obvious that the further understanding is what we need to judge someone.

2008年12月12日 星期五


Last night, I went to night market with Eileen. :) Actually, we wanted to watch the moon, which was said to be the biggest whthin 20 years. Hahaha, I was little excited but then I found the moon was just as usual.
When I was uesing my camera, I mistaked taking picture for recording vedio, and it recorded not only image but also my vioce. It surprised me that my voice is totally different form my understanding. :( I don't like it at all for it's so childlike. In high school, one of my classmates, a strang boy, said my voice sounds like 0204. :( I don't know whether it's true or bot because I never call it.
I like this song. Moreover, both Ronan and Elton John's voice is really striking.
The first time I hearded it was in the movie Moulin Rouge. It's pretty nice that impressed me right away.
"How wonderful life is while you are in the world". That's so sweet.
Now I am wondiring how wnderful life is while there is no homework and Japenese class.:(

It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

2008年12月7日 星期日


I hate Geography since junior high. People always say it is important and useful, somehow I just hate it. Last Friday, I went home right after class. The wather was warm in 台中, so I didn't wear much clothes. But when I get off the bus...oh my god, is was so cold that I thoutht my ear was going to frozen. :( Mom said if I worked hard in geography then I would not have this trouble.
Christmas is up coming :D But...as english department, why we stiil have class? This year is coming to the end, it just so fast that I am really surprised. Hahaha...Christmas is also time for sale. :) I want to shopping! Recently, I have had strong desire to buy novel. So I stay in BOOKSCOME frequently. My sister told my that it was silly to buy so much books because I can borrow some of them in library. But the problem is, I do not only want to read it but possess it. :( So I'm running out of my pocket money all the time.