2009年1月9日 星期五

Donating Blood

This afternoon, I donated my blood in the donating card in front of NCHU. This is the eleventh time for me, but I was quiet nervous becauce the last time was eight months ago. However, the cold weather made people's blood vessel shrink, so it was hard for the nurse to find it. In order to collect my blood, she prinked the neddle deeper and deeper into my skin, at that moment, I felt like my skin is going to broken. :( Fortunately, it did not happen but it really hurt. The nurse told me that I might have a bruise and it might last for two weeks. :( Although blood donating is a good thing, I think I better not do it in winter anymore.

1 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Wow, you're really brave. I never donate my blood because I'm very afraid of seeing blood. That makes me faint!!!