2009年3月26日 星期四

Spring Vacation.

Hahaha...can't describe how excited I am, I can't wait to go home and hang out with my friend in Taoyuan. :D
This is a pretty old but great song. :)The first I heard it was in high school, the English chorus competition.

"And driving down the road I get the felling that I should be home yesterday."
That's exactly how I feel everytime when I am on the bus!! But I have class and lots of homework. Recently, I talk and think about going home everyday. I count the date every night, picture the upcoming quality time and holiday. But this semester seems much more busier than last, there are lots of assignment and test...:( And the mid-term is approaching. Alas, home is too far and homework is too much. I hope time could be slower when I was doing my homework, so that I could finish it on time. On the other hand, I want it faster so I can go home. Anyway, it seems that time isn't on my side.......:(

Finally, happy spring vacation! :D

2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

I really can understand your feeling. When I'm in home, I always hope time will pass very very slowly.
When I'm on vacation for a long time, I hope time could pass quickly so that I won't feel boring. When I begin to work or go to school, I'm looking forward the coming of weekends or holidays. It's really strange!!!
By the way, have a nice vacation!! p^^q

eileen 提到...

Ha, you evil kid kept thinking about skipping the classes! Anyway I know you are eager to go home. By the way I love this song ,too. There is another bossa nove version of this song, it sounds great!