2009年4月30日 星期四


I always wanted to see the movie but I just had no time until last week. :)
Anyway, it was as good as my expectation.

I don't want to trifle with the plot I just post the trailer.

Before I saw it, I thought Nixon was a bad bad bad president. However, it turned out that there were some reason that led to his "crime". Being despised, he did his best to be a so-called successful man. To prove himself, he must had to win the president election, so he put all his mind on competeing with other candidates. Finally, he forgot some of his ideal and principles. However, even he was president, he was lonely. He said Frost was an lucky guy in his intergrop everybody loved him. That was the most precious thing in the world.
I was sorry for him that I cried when I saw his confession in the end of the movie.
There are reasons! Everything we do, no matter good or bad, there are reason that motivate us. So it is unfair to judge people merely by thier behavior. :(

2 則留言:

eileen 提到...

You cried again, poor kid. But I do agree with you. The motivation is always hidden after the real behavior. Therefore, sometimes we just misunderstood other people's intention. So do you know I love you so much? XD

Unknown 提到...

Sometimes people have their own bias against something or someone. Some bad guys do have their own reasons, but that couldn't serve as excuses even they were once treated very awful. There is no absolutely good and bad, but hurting others is definitely wrong.