2008年10月16日 星期四

Reign over me

This is one of my favorite movies, "Reign over me".

Recently, HBO have played it and I saw it again and again but it never fail to make me cry. Honestly, it might be the sadest movie that I havd ever seen.
However, different form ordinary popular tragedies that one of the main characters always die in the end,this is a really sad but great movie even the song scared me a little for the endless screaming. It is not touch you by dead but how the survivor response.

In this movie, Adan choose to pretend he had forgetten everything to comfront himself after losing his family in a accident. He is not cruel but just still try to find his way out to over it.

Since we are growing, there are lot of thing that we need to handle by ourselves. But how?How to go over all the unhappiness? How to get rid of all the bad thing? Guess I'm a little confused, too. In face of difficulties, somebody may choose to solve it while some may escape. But why the latter always thought to be wrong? Is it kind of unfair? Luckly, most of us all have some people to rely on. One of my friend told me that she didn't want to grow up for the whole world seems to become more and more complicated. Taking responsibility for ourseleve seems terrible and challanged. For instance, different form in the presence of my parents, my landlord treats me pretty bad. My screen window was borken because of typhoon and lots of mosquito slides into the house. But when I told the landlord about it, he just told me to post it with tape. That's how bad guy treat young people or maybe that is the way the world is, who knows?

2 則留言:

eileen 提到...

yap I have the same feeling with your friend.To be honest, when I was still a child,I look forward to becoming an adult. But till now I find out that the world is not as good as I think. Moreover, sometimes the world is ugly,cruel and also selfish.Hmm, as you said before,I do not like my landlord ,either. So next time we shall be careful when looking for our new home.

Unknown 提到...

Though I know the best way to face difficultise is to solve it, not to escape.However, I still want to escape some problems sometimes. I haven't seen the movie before, but I think it will change my mind after I watch it.