2009年1月5日 星期一


In my final speaking exam, I think of a instresting story that I leanred in the Background of waster literature.
According to Pleto's explaination about sexual attrection, it is said there were three sex on the earth: man, woman. and the thrid. The thrid extincted too early to be named. It is combined with a man and a woman so they have two heads, four arms, and four legs. Maybe because their tema work, they were good at everything so the God was very scared that he decided to cut them into two. From then on, they spend the rest of thier life looking for the lost part of their body. Once they saw each other, they would embrace tightly because they didn't want to be separated anymore.
Finally, all of them died of starvation. Inspired by the third, man and woman started to looking for the right people who is oppesiteve sex.

2 則留言:

eileen 提到...

It is really a interesting explanation about sex attraction. I did not hear this before. But nowadays there are peoeple finding the same sex with themselves.= ="

Unknown 提到...

It's really interesting. I haven't heard that before. The third sounds like conjoined twins.