2008年11月28日 星期五

Detective Conan

Mom said it is unhealthy to watch TV while having dinner, somehow I just love it. Especially Conan and Friends. I always had nightmare after watching Conan when I was a child, because sometime it is really scaring. The muderer always has no clear face but a black shape and terrible eyes, just like the picture,that is really scaring. I like to turn off the light while watching Tv, and sometimes it still scareds me even I do not have bad dream anymore.

Besides, I also watch CSI. But that is more terrible than Conan. Hahaha, I guess I better not watch it since I sleep and live alone. My dorm has no TV, so I can only watch those for PPS, an Internet television. It does not contain every episode but maybe just a season. I had watched every episodes of Friends so right now there only Conan with me. :(
By the way, this is a pretty long but interesting vedio from YouTube. I just can't stop laughing. hahaha....

2 則留言:

eileen 提到...

haha You are such a kid.:D Conan's singing is very terrible just like me.:P

Unknown 提到...

I also like to watch "Detective Conan" when I have time. I admire Conan's observation and his wisdom. There are no puzzles that he couldn't solve. He is really smart and good at playing soccer. But I DON'T like him when he wants to sing......that's HORRIBLE!!!