2008年11月14日 星期五

The very first time

Last weekend, one of my friends came to visit. But because of the midterm, we did not go out but study together. Because my friend was hungry in the midnight,so we went to buy night snack. To my surprise, my friend order the fry TOKEN (豆干)...
I never try that before but my friend promised that it is good. Ok, so I had no choice but compromised. To be honest, I was so curious that I could not wait to try it. BUT... It turned out that the TOKEN tasted like ERASER!! That was awful and terrible...:( It did have ant flavor and it is so hard that I swear I will never try it again.

The mindterm finally over...hahaha. I am home now. To me, going home is complicated. It makes me tired for it's a long long journey. It always surprise me for I'll recive lots of news. It is amazing that everything is changing. It is wonderful to see my family and some old friends. In conclution, it is happy but also shocking to me. I just heard that the daugther of one of my father's friends was dead of cancer. I never meet her but I think she is still young. And the news that...well, a lot of things happen too soon that no one can tell.
Well, I am so shocking that I don't know what I am talking about. But it seems necessary to post this article...so don't blam me if it makes you bored.

To apologize, I post the great song...hahaha.

Don't Let Me Down.

2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Fry TOKEN? It seems very interesting! DOSE that taste really like eraser? I would like to give it a try,uh...

eileen 提到...

Well I'm sorry to hear about the news...... So we must try to eat heathy and get to bed early right, Miss thirty-four? XD And I think you are very healthy becuse you love eating fruit such as 柳丁 haha.