2008年12月7日 星期日


I hate Geography since junior high. People always say it is important and useful, somehow I just hate it. Last Friday, I went home right after class. The wather was warm in 台中, so I didn't wear much clothes. But when I get off the bus...oh my god, is was so cold that I thoutht my ear was going to frozen. :( Mom said if I worked hard in geography then I would not have this trouble.
Christmas is up coming :D But...as english department, why we stiil have class? This year is coming to the end, it just so fast that I am really surprised. Hahaha...Christmas is also time for sale. :) I want to shopping! Recently, I have had strong desire to buy novel. So I stay in BOOKSCOME frequently. My sister told my that it was silly to buy so much books because I can borrow some of them in library. But the problem is, I do not only want to read it but possess it. :( So I'm running out of my pocket money all the time.

2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

I also like to read novels. A couple of days ago, I bought one novel called atonement but I haven't started to read it.
I think that wearing clothes could be more but couldn't be less. You could take clothes off when feel hot, but you can't put on clothes if you don't bring clothes.

eileen 提到...

I really agree with your sister. Once you possess them will tou read it for more than one time?For me it is impossible unless the book is one of my favorite.