2009年6月17日 星期三

All You Can Eat

“All you can eat” is a new form of buffet, which has become more and more popular in recent year. Different from traditional buffet, the quality of the food, the service, the ambiance, and the atmosphere is better; accordingly, the charge is more expensive. To lots of people, it has become the top choice for meals because within the fixed charge, there is no maximum of food supply. Although this kind of expenditure seems to profit the customers, both doctors and anthropologist point out that this kind of food consumption is not only unhealthy but wasteful and resource consumptive.
Having food without limitation is a luxury that everybody dreams of. Eating is a pleasure, but overeating would ruin and become a burden of our health. Doctors points that in order to digest the food we take in, our stomach will secrete acid to decompose it. It is natural that the amount of the gastric acid will increase with the food; however, too much gastric acid will lead to gastric ulcer, gastritis, diabetes, and liver trouble. Thus, it is parochial to seek the impermanent gratification of appetite which might in turn lead to eternal physical problems.
Most of people consider “All you can eat” buffet cheap because they supply endless food. Actually, all you can eat is much more expensive for most people than ordinary meals. Moreover, according to the research by the Consumers’ Foundation, 80% of the restaurants would charge the single customer for double service charge without informing him or her. Moreover, besides unhealthy, eating too much is wasteful in terms of food and money. Since the expense of “all you can eat” is not cheap, most of people tend to eat much more than they should in the restaurant; otherwise, they would consider it is waste of money. Take a true event for example; a girl who scared everybody ate 8 kilograms a meal in a buffet was diagnosed as having eating disorder.
While some people claim that this new and luxurious service reflects the affluence of our society. Actually, the fact is totally contary. The poverty of the Third-World is caused by the unfair food distribution, according to Food and Agricuture Organization of the United Nation. Possessing all the resource to fulfill our desire, it only shows our desire and uncivilization. Moreover, to plant more food and decrease the price, South America started to exploit the Amazon rain forest. Such a develoment makes the animals in the area almost extinct and worsens Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming. In other words, the waste of food directly lead to enviromental crises.
Provideing customers with various food without limit, “All You Can Eat” restaurants attract lots of clients. However, while we enjoy the food with caution, it might ruin our health, weaste food and money, and destroy the earth. When our temporary and personal pleasure may lead to so many effects, is it really worthwhile?
