2009年6月13日 星期六


Few days ago...I found I can not lon in my MSN...it was terrible because it was one of the most important ways that I kept in touch with my old friends. :( I was so sad that I tried again and again, but it still the same, so I applied a new one. However, I didn't write down their ID so now I have merely my classmates and friends in NCHU. Sometimes I feel sad and nervous, it feels like I am gone forever in my friends life, of course I mean thoes I won't see and phone. Fortunately, I still have thoes who are important to me. Maybe it's good that I won't need to socail with thoes who are not tight with me.
Watching the white screen, I think of some peopel who were close with me. Freinds, family, classmate, and so on. Then I wonder...no matter how close we were with someone, maybe once you break the connection then you can't never make it up again? There are mistakes and misunderstandings that I wish I could fix, but it just impossible.

The song is good but it makes me sad...Anyway, I like her voice.

The Sound of White

Like a freeze-dried rose, you will never be,
What you were, what you were to me in memory.
But if I listen to the dark,
You'll embrace me like a star,
Envelope me, envelope me...
If things get real for me down here,
Promise to take me to before you went away -
If only for a day.
If things get real for me down here,
Promise to take me back to the tune
We played before you went away.

And if I listen to, the sound of white,
Sometimes I hear your smile, and breathe your light.
Yeah if I listen to, the sound of white ..
You're my mystery. One mystery. My mystery. One mystery.

My silence solidifies,
Until that hollow void erases you,
Erases you so I can't feel at all.
But if I never feel again, at least that nothingness
Will end the painful dream, of you and me...
If things get real for me down here, promise to take me to
Before you went away, if only for a day.
If things get real for me down here, promise to take me back to
The tune we played before you went away.

And if I listen to, the sound of white
Sometimes I hear your smile, and breathe your light.
Yeah if I listen to, the sound of white
Sometimes I hear your smile, and breathe your light.
And if I listen to, the sound of white.

I knelt before some strangers face,
I'd never have the courage or belief to trust this place,
But I dropped my head, 'cos it felt like lead,
And I'm sure I felt your fingers through my hair...

And if I listen to, the sound of white sometimes
I hear your smile, and breathe your light.
Yeah if I listen to, the sound of white.
The sound of white,
The sound of white,
The sound of white.

2 則留言:

eileen 提到...

Well I know how it feels when you lose the connection with others. But just as you said it is fortunately to cut the connection between you and those who were not so close to you. Anyway you get the connection with the "important" one.:D

Unknown 提到...

My teacher once told me that everyone is like a small island. Our words are the bridge which connect ourselves with others. But trying to think in a positive way, it's good for you to concentrate on your study! The final exam is coming~